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Novena to St Rita 14th - 22nd May

St Rita's Day - 22nd May.  Mass at 12noon at St Rita's Centre, Honiton, Devon

 Father in heaven, you granted St Rita a share in the passion of your Son, and through her sufferings she reached the heights of holiness.  Give us courage and strength in time of trial, so that by our patient endurance we may one day share her company in heaven.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.

 Prayer of Petition

  O powerful St Rita you are called Saint of helpless cases.  I come to you with confidence in time of need.  During your life on earth you found happiness by following the will of our heavenly Father: help me to trust God's designs for me without fear and without counting the cost.  Come to help me and intercede on my behalf before the Lord.  Join your prayers to mine and obtain for me the graces I ask in this Novena........

  I promise to use this favour, when granted, to better my life, to proclaim God's mercy, and to make you widely known and loved for the glory of God our Father.  Amen.

  Full of confidence we pray to our heavenly Father in the words Christ taught us.  Our Father......


  Heavenly Father, through the intercession of St Rita, help us to know the value of patience in life.  Make us grow strong in the spirit of charity and forgiveness.  Hear our prayers for all in need; for peace in our own lives and in the world.  May the example of St Rita inspire in many hearts today a desire to dedicate their lives to God in the religious life and the priesthood.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.

 Final Invocation

 Glorious St Rita, you who have obtained from the Lord favours which seemed impossible and who have become known as the Advocate of the Helpless.

 Response:  Pray for us.