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Devotion to St. Ezekiel Moreno

The devotion to St. Ezekiel Moreno is based on the very human concern of believers for their loved ones who are sick, especially with that most dreaded of all diseases, cancer. In praying for the intercession of St. Ezekiel, one who personally knew the agonies of cancer, we ask God to bring healing and relief to those who have got cancer, consolation and hope to their suffering families and friends. Many sufferers have experienced a remission or even a cure of their infirmities through their prayers for the intercession of St. Ezekiel.

Brief biography

Born in Alfaro (La Rioja, Spain) on April 9, 1849, he professed his vows in the Order of Augustinian Recollects in Monteagudo (Navarra) in 1865. He was ordained priest in Manila in 1871 and worked for 15 years in the Philippines. Friar Ezekiel was elected prior of the monastery of Monteagudo in 1885; he left for Colombia in 1888 where he restored the Augustinian Recollect Order and reactivated the old mission. Named Apostolic Vicar of Casanare (1893) and Bishop of Pasto (1896), he was a model pastor for his fidelity to the Church and for his apostolic zeal. He fell ill and in 1906, returned to Spain, where he died of cancer on August 19 of the same year in the monastery of Monteagudo. Innumerable cures, especially of cancer, are attributed to his intercession. Beatified on November 1, 1975, he was canonized on October 11, 1992 in Santo Domingo on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Americas.


Loving God, in St. Ezekiel Moreno you have given us a model of courage in times of suffering. I turn to you at this moment of my life for strength. Grant, through the intercession of St. Ezekiel, that I may receive your healing comfort and be restored to health of mind and body, should it be your holy will. I also offer this prayer for those who are suffering from cancer and other life-threatening diseases, through Jesus Christ our Lord.






Most loving Father, I humbly ask you to forgive all my sins, to give me a strong will to amend my ways, and perseverance in your friendship. Through the intercession of St. Ezekiel, I beg you to make me grow in your holy service by faithfully fulfilling all my duties. Through Christ our Lord, amen.

REFLECTION (for each day)

  1. St. Ezekiel was born and raised in a humble but deeply pious family, from which he inherited a religious character.
  2. St. Ezekiel always professed a tender affection for the Mother of God, before whose image he consecrated his life to the Lord through his religious profession.
  3. St. Ezekiel responded with great generosity to his vocation as a religious, as a priest, as a missionary and as a bishop, being always and everywhere an active and docile instrument in the hands of the Lord.
  4. St. Ezekiel spent several hours every day in contemplation, usually before the Tabernacle. Hence, his ardent charity, his apostolic zeal, his courage, and his profound interior life.
  5. St. Ezekiel dedicated his entire life to the service of others. His zeal for the sanctification of souls, his love for the poor, the sick, and the needy knew no limits.
  6. An outstanding portion of his life was his dedication to the ministry of preaching, hearing confessions, counselling souls, caring for the sick, and many other occupations of missionary work.
  7. St. Ezekiel tried to fulfil God's will at any cost and in all the circumstances of his entire life, in the austerity of his life and even more when he was called to drink the chalice of suffering.
  8. For more than a year St. Ezekiel suffered intense physical pain from cancer of the palate and nose with admirable courage and the heroism of a saint.
  9. St. Ezekiel wanted, like a loving son, to surrender his soul at the feet of the same image of the Virgin where he consecrated his life to God.


Loving God, in St. Ezekiel Moreno you have given us a model of courage in times of suffering. I turn to you at this moment of my life for strength. Grant, through the intercession of St. Ezekiel, that N. may receive your healing comfort and be restored to health of mind and body, should it be your holy will. I also offer this prayer for those who are suffering from cancer and other life-threatening diseases, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be ...

St. Ezekiel Moreno, pray for us.


God our Father, you gave us St. Ezekiel as a faithful preacher of your Gospel and an outstanding pastor of your Church. By his prayers help us reach out to you with all our heart as true witnesses of Christian faith and life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.