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May Saint Rita intercede for you, your family and for all your intentions, may her intercession obtain for you all patience in life and strength in time of trial, and spirit of charity and forgiveness. WOULD YOU LIKE THAT YOUR INTENTIONS WILL BE INCLUDED IN OUR PRAYERS during the NOVENA TO SAINT RITA which begins on 14th MAY and concludes on her feast day, 22nd MAY?

  • Date:14/05/2025 09:30 AM - 22/05/2025 12:00 AM
  • Location St Rita's Centre, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton, England, United Kingdom (Map)



St Rita is, by far, the best known and best loved of the Augustinian saints. She has become known as the Advocate of the Helpless, even the Saint of Hopeless Cases.

Part of Rita’s attraction is probably the fact that, during a hard and difficult life, she lived through just about all states of life any Christian woman can experience – from girlhood, through married life and widowhood, to the Religious Life of an enclosed Augustinian nun.

On St Rita’s feast day – 22nd May – every year, roses are blessed for the sick and for devotees of St Rita in Augustinian churches. Later, dried rose petals are often sent (as from St Rita’s Centre, Honiton) to those who request them.

Rita is an example and inspiration to so many people because, in her own life, she shared the experiences of so many people in several different ways of life – wife, mother, widow, Religious – and always has an encouraging and consoling message for everyone.


Dear Benefactor,

Thank you for your generous donation and petition for our Novena to Saint Rita. Your intentions will be included in our prayers during the Novena which begins on 14th May and concludes on her feast day, 22nd May.

May Saint Rita intercede for you, your family and for all your intentions, may her intercession obtain for you all patience in life and strength in time of trial, and spirit of charity and forgiveness.

Your sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jose Romero OAR (Fr. Promoter)