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May God, through the intercession of St. Ezekiel Moreno, bless you and your family, especially those who have got any kind of cancer, so that they would receive healing, comfort and consolation in their sorrows. WOULD YOU LIKE THAT YOUR INTENTIONS WILL BE INCLUDED IN OUR PRAYERS during the NOVENA to SAINT EZEKIEL MORENO which begins on 11th AUGUST and concludes on his feast day, 19th AUGUST?

  • Date:11/08/2024 09:30 AM - 19/08/2024 09:30 AM
  • Location St Rita's Centre, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton, England, United Kingdom (Map)


The devotion to St. Ezekiel Moreno is based on the very human concern of believers for their loved ones who are sick, most especially with that most dreaded of all diseases, cancer. In praying for the intercession of St. Ezekiel, one who personally knew the agonies of cancer, we ask God to bring healing and relief to those who has got cancer and to their suffering families and friends. Many sufferers have experienced a remission or even a cure of their disease through their prayers for the intercession of St. Ezekiel.

Born in Alfaro (La Rioja, Spain) on April 9, 1849, he professed his vows in the Order of Augustinian Recollects in Monteagudo (Navarra) in 1865. He was ordained priest in Manila in 1871 and worked for 15 years in the Philippines. Friar Ezekiel was elected prior of the monastery of Monteagudo in 1885; he left for Colombia in 1888 where he restored the Augustinian Recollect Order and reactivated the old mission. Named Apostolic Vicar of Casanare (1893) and Bishop of Pasto (1896), he was a model pastor for his fidelity to the Church and for his apostolic zeal. He fell ill and in 1906, returned to Spain, where he died of cancer on August 19 of the same year in the monastery of Monteagudo. Innumerable cures, especially of cancer, are attributed to his intercession. Beatified on November 1, 1975, he was canonized on October 11, 1992 in Santo Domingo on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Americas.


Dear Benefactor,

Thank you for your generous donation and petition for our Novena to St. Ezekiel Moreno, Saint Patron of cancer patients. Your intentions will be included in our prayers during the Novena which begins on 11th August and concludes on his feast day, 19th August.

May God, through the intercession of St. Ezekiel Moreno, bless you and your family, especially those who have got any kind of cancer, so that they would receive healing, comfort and consolation in their sorrows.

Your sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jose Romero OAR (Fr. Promoter)